Tuesday, October 12, 2010

New But Old Beginnings

(Puffy cheeks LOL...Me in 3 years ago)

Allow me to introduce myself. My name is Janelle and I've always wanted to become a vegetarian. I've tried many times. I do well for a few days, even a few weeks, but fried chicken and burgers call to me. See I'm a binger. I LOVE food. It's almost like an addiction. I want to control my binging and any temptation. This time I've decided to blog my experience with transition into a world of veggies and health.

I feel if you want to make a lifestyle change, you have to do your research. You have to possess valid reasons why you need to change your life. If you can't back up your change, then you can never move forward. There are a few reasons why I want to adapt a vegetarian lifestyle. The first reason is good health. It's not that I don't think you can acquire good health as a meat eater, I think food companies are pumping animals full of chemicals. These chemicals are running through our bodies. Serving portions of meat is growing larger. Just recently chemically engineered salmon was put on the table for approval from the FDA. We've become a people of sickness, disease and morbid obesity. What has changed? The way our food is being made...that's what's changed. The second reason for my lifestyle change is weight loss. Now I know that becoming a vegetarian will not promise me weight loss, but it doesn't hurt my chances. You can still make improper food choices as a vegetarian. Certain kinds of Doritos are vegetarian...I can't eat Doritos. That's not healthy is it? Let me tell ya something. I will NEVER be a size two...NEVER. I love being a buxom beauty! But I do need to lose weight for health reasons. I'm 310 lbs...(I've never typed that before!) and stand 5 feet 6 inches tall. I wear a size 22/24. I would LOVE to wear a size 12/14 again. That is my goal. I'm on two different high blood pressure medicines. I suffer from sleep apnea. I have routine sciatic flare ups and my left leg swells (the doctors don't know why). It's time for me to make a lifestyle change. The last reason is animal cruelty. Now I'm a believer in the circle of life. When you eat meat, you need to thank God for giving you food and the animal for giving his life. I feel that there is nothing wrong with eating meat, but the way animals are treated by big corporations and farmers is eye opening. I don't want to support them anymore. Each time you buy something from those corporations you are condoning cruelty to animals. I'm not putting anyone down, but its true.

Before I start the transition, I needed to evaluate why I wanted to change. It's a good start. Baby steps.

Next blog...vegetarian, vegan, so many classes...What's the difference?